Mass Incarceration Since 1492: Native American Encounters With Criminal Injustice

These are actual tiny child handcuffs used by the US government to restrain captured Native American children and drag them away from their families to send them to boarding schools where their identities, cultures and their rights to speak their Native languages were forcefully stripped away from them. (Photo: US government)   Continue reading Sourced through from: U.S.

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Brown University Faculty Designates Fall Holiday as Indigenous People’s Day

PROVIDENCE— At its monthly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016, the faculty of Brown University amended the Faculty Rules and Regulations to change the designation of the second Monday of October from Fall Weekend to Indigenous People’s Day.   In April 2009, the faculty voted to change the name of Columbus Day to the Fall Weekend holiday after several months of discussion.   Continue reading

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Indigenous In New York [VIDEO]

Where does history begin? New York’s infamous Columbus Circle memorializes the founding of a new world and perpetuates the myth of American exceptionalism, while denying the violence against Indigenous people—a will to ignorance. With a crew of Natives, we asked over 100 New Yorkers to identify the “origin” of our Native models to understand where contemporary Native lives exist in

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