Miss Native American USA 2012-2013

Miss Native American USA 2012-2013

See on Scoop.it – 500 Nations Since August 25th 2012, it’s been a joyous and momentous occasion in my life to be garnished by a crown and title so admirable. I consider my reign a true blessing from God, as well as a challenge to overcome the negative prospectors. I hope that the road is now paved with respect and awareness for our future Miss

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The Invisible Nation

The Invisible Nation

See on Scoop.it – 500 Nations The Algonquin once lived in harmony with the vast territory they occupied. This balance was upset when the Europeans arrived in the 16th century. Gradually, their Aboriginal traditions were undermined and their natural resources plundered. Today, barely 9,000 Algonquin are left. They live in about 10 communities, often enduring abject poverty and human rights

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Pre-Columbian Urbanism

Pre-Columbian Urbanism

See on Scoop.it – 500 Nations “These examples only scratch the surface of what was going on in Pre-Columbian cities.  I think it’s a fascinating topic because there are so many sites in good condition that can be visited.  It’s a great way to study how people and crowds relate to public spaces and monumental architecture. ” See on www.urbanindy.com

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Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto: Vine Deloria

Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto: Vine Deloria

See on Scoop.it – 500 Nations In his new preface to this quality paperback edition, the author observes, ‘The Indian world has changed so substantially since the first publication of this book that some things contained in it seem new again.’ Indeed, it seems that each generation of whites and Indians will have to read and reread Vine Deloria s

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Mexican Women’s Mitochondrial DNA Primarily Native American

Mexican Women's Mitochondrial DNA Primarily Native American

See on Scoop.it – 500 Nations For mtDNA variation, some studies have measured Native American, European and African contributions to Mexican and Mexican American populations, revealing 85 to 90% of mtDNA lineages are of Native American origin, with the remainder having European (5-7%) or African ancestry (3-5%). See on nativeheritageproject.com

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